UTAU usage terms

This page constitutes the terms of use when using UTAU voice sources managed by Hoshibune. 

By using it, you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms.

Sound Source Usage Agreement

Prohibited Actions

  • Redistribution, unauthorized reproduction, and unauthorized uploading of the audio sources on this site
  • Self-claiming the creation of the audio sources on this site
  • Sharing DLPass with third parties
  • Use for the purpose of religious condemnation, solicitation, or proselytizing
  • Use for political activities, criticism, or advocacy
  • Use for the purpose of slandering or defaming the audio sources on this site, other people's creations, individuals, or organizations
  • Use as an image character voice (CV) for original songs (Original characters can be used as original characters in PVs only for original songs)
  • Use as a cover for image songs of original characters or copyrighted characters, or use of cover songs
  • Creating alternate characters after performing g changes, etc.
  • Acts not detailed when changing the main vocal's g by ±10 or more
  • Repurposing the audio sources on this site for other audio sources
  • Collaboration with human-made audio sources
  • Use that violates the regulations and laws of the platform for posting works
  • Malicious modification or processing of the audio sources on this site
  • AI learning using the audio sources published and distributed on this site
  • Use and commercial utilization by corporations and legal entities

Permitted Actions

  • Monetization and streaming distribution through features officially provided by video-sharing services such as Nico Nico Douga and YouTube
  • Use of audio sources in covers and original songs (including image songs for creations and characters)
  • Use of official illustrations in cover songs and original songs using the corresponding audio sources
  • Secondary creation (including CP expressions such as NL/GL/BL). We ask for caution and avoidance of sexual/violent/grotesque expressions.
  • Formation of units between audio sources on this site, or between this site's audio sources and those from other sources (Please check the terms of other audio sources before proceeding.)
  • Duet between audio sources on this site or between this site's audio sources and those from other sources
  • Song covers using audio sources from this site, HANASU (password: "H0SH1UTAU")
  • Distribution of CDs and goods for non-profit purposes such as doujinshi (Reporting is optional)
  • Modification and distribution of oto.ini files only
  • Noise reduction
  • Correction of frequency tables
  • Concurrent use with COEIROINK of the same character
  • Use of COEIROINK illustrations as UTAU illustrations or vice versa

Illustration Usage Policy

Prohibited Actions

  • Redistribution, unauthorized reproduction, or uploading without permission
  • Claiming as one's own creation
  • Tracing of illustrations
  • Usage for religious criticism, solicitation, or proselytizing
  • Usage for political activities, criticism, or advocacy
  • Defamation or slander towards our characters, others' creations, individuals, or organizations
  • Usage or modification as another character
  • Violation of posting regulations or laws
  • Malicious modification or processing
  • Production of goods using illustrations
  • Use of illustrations as icons or headers on social media platforms
  • AI learning using illustrations published or distributed on our website
  • Usage for commercial purposes by companies or corporations

Permitted Actions

  • Monetization and streaming distribution on video-sharing platforms like Nico Nico Douga and YouTube
  • Use of official illustrations in cover songs or original compositions featuring the corresponding sound source
  • Use of illustrations for different appends of the same sound source


  • We do not take any responsibility for any troubles arising from the use of these audio materials or characters. Please understand this.
  • When using these audio materials or characters, it is considered that you have agreed to our terms of use.
  • In case of observed violations of the terms of use, we reserve the right to prohibit the use of the audio materials and standing illustrations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


Administrator/Author: Hoshibune






